Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Online Experince A Wrap up/Reflection

Technology is important in today's world. I think we are required to take this class because the State understands that we will need to be able to use the Internet for most of the future jobs that my generation will have. The different tools we are required to learn how to use will be useful to us in our adulthood, mostly for jobs. Some of the things we learn like creating an avatar, we will never use again. While other things like making power point presentations, or making a podcast and blog posts we will continually use for work, whether it's for meetings and keeping up to date with your other co-workers. Technology is becoming easier to use and a good way for companies to advertise merchandise. So as students preparing to enter this world of ever advancing technology we will need to be able to adabt to it, and move along with it. For school we have been learning about how to use Microsoft word, powerpoint, and publisher. We have also been learning about how to create Blogs and podcasts along with cyber saftey. These tools, along with what we've learned about copyright laws will help use with other school work such as research papers or class presentations as well as any future jobs some of us might hold. This class has also taught us how to teach ourselves about new technology by using Delicious and RSS Feed, this capibility to teach ourselves new technology will help to keep us ahead of the game when it comes to having to figure something out that you will need to suceed in the workplace.

Monday, March 14, 2011


The article I read was titled Angry Birds' plan for world domination. This article talked about how the developers at Finland's Rovio Mobile started off with little money before making the Angry Birds game and about how now they have 42 million dollars in venture capital to throw at expanding their "mean pigs, cranky birds" empire. The article then goes on to talking about in what ways the designers are trying to expand angry birds to be playable virtualy everywhere. It also talks about how the company is expanding the game offline, and selling 2million plush toys and recently started selling Angry Birds apparel.


My avatar was of Albert Einstein talking about his life

My second avatar was of Leonardo Da Vinci talking about his life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Zoo Review

For my Zoo/aquarium I chose was the Alaska Sealife Center a non-profit research center that studies the ecosystem of alaska. I choose the Sealife Center because it is both a research center and an public aquarium that teach's people about Alaska's ecosystem. The website helped explain what kind of aquarium they were, the types of animals they had, and the different things they do to help conserve the enviroment. The website also had alot of pictures that showed the animals they had in their exhibits. Unfortunatley the website did not have a zoo camera or virtual tour but it was easy to find specific information about whatever you where looking for. The best part of the website was that the home page gave you choices of what information you wanted to view. Overall a great website to use for finding information.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In 10 years...

In ten years I think I would have gone to college to receive a degree in engineering. Would've worked for my dad for a few years to gain experience in engineering, then would be living wherever I could have found a job. I'd probably have border collie or akita as a pet.